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GMAT Coaching Overview

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a computer-adaptive standardized test for measuring aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies

Business schools commonly use the test as one of many selection criteria for admission into an MBA program. For leading business schools worldwide, the GMAT is recognized as the most effective test available for matching student competencies with program demands regardless of program type or the race, gender, or national origin of students. The GMAT exam measures basic verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills that one has developed in his education and work.

The GMAT tests the fundamental skills – Reasoning and Comprehension included – and does not require any subject-specific theoretical study.

  • The knowledge of business
  • Job skills
  • The specific content in one’s undergraduate or first university course work
  • Abilities in students another specific subject area, or
  • Creativity, subject and interpersonal of qualities skills

How to Prepare for GMAT Exam

Format and Timing

The GMAT exam consists of three main parts, the Analytical writing Assessment, the Quantitative section, and the verbal section.

Analytical Writing Assessment

The GMAT exam begins with the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA).The AWA consists of two separate writing tasks- Analysis of an issue and Analysis of an Argument. Students are allowed 30 minutes to complete each one.

Quantitative Section

Following an optional ten- minute break, students begin the Quantitative section of the GMAT exam. This section contains 37 multiple –choice questions of two question types- Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. Students are allowed a maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.

Verbal Section

After a second optional ten – minute break, students begin the Verbal section of the GMAT exam .This section contains 41 multiple choice questions of three question types-Reading Comprehension , Critical Reasoning and sentence correction .students are allowed a maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.


GMAT Language Training

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a computer-adaptive standardized test for measuring aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies.

Coaching Time

It’s depend your learning & prepare skill in exam


Your learning skill checking with Assessment


After you complete your course with exam